This place
Was beautiful
It was majestic
I was once active here
Dancing in the sand
My feet caressed
With the rolling of the tide
I hid here once
And I come here again
Only to find this
Barren land
Did I somehow forget
That the adversary was also a spirit
That his wind moves
Yet subtly eroding
the beach of faith I had
Where did it go?
And when did it happen?
How shocking it is
To find that all this time
The evil one has been doing a work in me
At one point you believe
Dropping seeds and words into the spirits surrounding you
Then boom
It is revealed that you don’t have the faith
To make an appeal to the one that can heal
You have been worn down
Over the years
The erosion
Through time lapses
My sandy faith
Sitting right beside
His living water
Blown away
Grain by grain
Till there is no evidence
That there was ever any sand to claim
No evidence that I ever played at the shore of comfort with my father
The foot prints in the sand
Because the very same land is barren
And the rocks have begun to cry out for me